Rockstar Games released a thrilling new trailer for the upcoming GTA Online: San Andreas Mercenaries DLC, showcasing the Los Santos Angels gang taking on Merryweather Security with new vehicles and an upgraded Mammoth Avenger.
The highly anticipated Los Santos Mercenaries DLC will introduce seven vehicles at minimum, including cars like the Gauntlet Hellfire Variant and unnamed Maibatsu and Bravado vehicles, a weaponized Conada helicopter variant, and a fighter jet with VTOL capabilities.
Customization options for existing vehicles are expected to expand, offering players an enhanced gameplay experience. Specific pricing details for the vehicles will be revealed soon.
Yesterday, Rockstar Games treated fans to an exhilarating new trailer for the upcoming GTA Online: San Andreas Mercenaries DLC, scheduled to launch on June 13. The trailer showcased the Los Santos Angels gang in action as they “disarm and disrupt” the menacing forces of Merryweather Security. Key to their success were the new vehicles and the upgraded Mammoth Avenger, all of which are set to make their debut in this highly anticipated DLC.
As its release date draws near, the GTA Online: Los Santos Mercenaries DLC has generated significant excitement with its impressive lineup of vehicles. Currently, seven vehicles have been confirmed, promising an adrenaline-fueled experience for players. Additionally, it is anticipated that customization options will be expanded for existing vehicles, further enhancing the gameplay.
All The Vehicles Coming to GTA Online via the Los Santos Mercenaries DLC
So far, Rockstar Games has delighted fans with the revelation of seven vehicles that will accompany the highly anticipated Los Santos Mercenaries DLC. In addition, customization options for existing vehicles are also expected to be added to the game.
Unnamed Maibatsu Vehicle
Gauntlet Hellfire Variant
Weaponized Conada Variant
Fighter Jet with VTOL capabilities
While specific pricing details for these vehicles have yet to be revealed, eager fans can look forward to an update as soon as the prices become available. Get ready to embark on thrilling missions and conquer the streets of Los Santos with this exciting lineup of vehicles in the Los Santos Mercenaries DLC.