5 Best Tips for Ready or Not 1.0

5 months ago 148

Tactical shooter Ready or Not recently celebrated its release into 1.0. With its full release, a wealth of changes have been made to the game. That said, new players will have to take their time to come to grips with the game and its changes. That is where we come in, as we have an assortment of tips for the new players that will help out during the game's early stages. Without further ado, here are our picks for the 5 Best Tips for Ready or Not 1.0

5. Pay Attention to StressStacking on a door with a shotgun in tactical shooter Ready or Not.

Seeing as Ready or Not is a tactical shooter that places a substantial amount of emphasis on realism, its new stress mechanics are imperative to learn. For those unaware, the 1.0 release of Ready or Not includes a stress system. This applies to the player's AI teammates. This makes managing the stress of your teammates after missions something that players would be advised to make a habit of. This is due to the fact that stress can significantly affect not only their personal performance in the field but also the performance of their team as a whole.

Additionally, the game also offers therapy for AI teammates in between missions. Switching out your team members directly after a particularly stressful mission is wise. This is due to the fact that players can not only have sharper teammates by their side, but it will also give your original line-up time to recuperate. All in all, heeding the warnings that this system provides players is one of the best tips new players can take with them into Ready or Not 1.0.

4. Plan AheadStacking with teammates against a door in tactical shooter Ready or Not.

Our next tip is one that players who are just jumping into Ready or Not can definitely use. Planning & execution of said planning is at the heart of what makes Ready or Not so phenomenal. With so many variables to account for within particular missions, players would be wise to gather all the details that they can before entering an operation. This is something that is especially highlighted within the new Ironman mode. For those unaware, the newly implemented Ironman mode is a permadeath version of the game designed to test players to the utmost of their abilities.

That said, however, the base game is still very challenging, especially for new players. One of the key aspects of the game that players can control is their individual team and load-outs. Managing not only what tools your team takes with them but also who is in it is really important. This planning, when coupled with the new implementation of improved AI mechanics. It indeed enhances the immersion & quality of your next mission. In short, planning ahead is one of the best tips for beginners in Ready or Not 1.0.

3. Utilize the Practice RangeA planning room in tactical shooter Ready or Not.

Our next entry stays somewhat in the same vein as our previous one. With the implementation of new areas for players to explore, there are tons of resources at your disposal. One of the most essential and useful resources is the Training mode & beneficial practice range. Using this practice range is not only a fantastic way to familiarize yourself with the game's weapons and their recoil, but it also can teach you quite a bit about core game mechanics. As well as how they function in relation to the player. For example, players learn how to control their AI teammates within this setting, which is fantastic for the new player experience.

In addition to this, this area provides a stress-free learning environment for players looking to improve. There is a simulated firing range & kill house, which is used for training. This not only familiarizes the player with their weapons but also AI commands & CQB tactics, and room clearing. The wealth of information that this location provides in the game is phenomenal, no matter how you look at it. For these reasons, we consider utilizing the practice range to be one of the best tips for beginners in Ready or Not 1.0.

2. Play the Solo CampaignCharacter loadout screen in tactical shooter Ready or Not.

We are following up on our last entry with another great tip. Here, we recommend that players try the Solo campaign. This campaign is not only riveting in its own way but also does a great job of teaching the player how to play. Being able to play the single-player campaign in an effective way is sure to teach you tons of lessons about the game. At the same time, the Ironman mode of this campaign may be daunting. The game also allows for multiple saves to lighten the load. This makes enjoying this campaign rather easy, even for beginners in the tactical shooter genre.

In addition to this, the game has implemented modifiers that can be used for your allies. These modifiers allow the player to tweak and adapt their team to their particular playstyle and needs. This is going to be great not only for new players jumping into the game but for veterans as well. When coupled with the new implementation of AI, this is sure to be one of the standout features of Ready or Not 1.0. All around, playing the solo campaign is one of the best tips for beginners in Ready or Not 1.0.

1. Utilize Your AI TeammatesA dim hallway in tactical shooter Ready or Not.

Today, we are wrapping up our list of the best tips for beginners in Ready or Not 1.0 with our most important tip. One of the star features of this update was the implementation of a newly-improved AI system. This new system not only allows players to have more control over their AI teammates but also improves the quality of the AI. The team behind Ready or Not consulted with real-world advisors when looking to make this system as realistic as possible. The ergonomic approach to the control of these AI is also a strong point for the new system as well.

For players looking for a quick and rough explanation of the system, allow us to summarize briefly. Utilizing their middle mouse button, players can order their AI teammates in a number of ways. The player's team is split up into two fire teams that they can control independently of one another. There are several in-depth options to give players the utmost control over these units as well. To close, utilizing the new AI system and your AI teammates as a whole is one of the best tips we have for beginner players.

So, what's your take on our picks for the 5 Best Tips for Ready or Not 1.0? Let us know over on our socials here or down in the comments below.

Judson Holley is a writer that began his career as a ghostwriter. Returning to the mortal coil  to work among the living. With some of his favorite games being tactical FPS games such as Squad and the Arma series. Although this could not be further from the truth as he enjoys games with deep stories such as the Kingdom Hearts series as well as Jade Empire and The Knights of the Old Republic series. When not attending to his wife, Judson often tends to his cats. He also has a knack for music mainly composing for and playing piano.

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