5 Best Games Like Vellum

5 months ago 145

Vellum is a cooperative action-roguelike title that allows players to sling spells together. In action-roguelike titles, or roguelike titles in general, players can team up with their friends to take down waves of enemies. This gives these games a fantastic gameplay loop for players to enjoy for hours on end. The amount of content & variety within these games is excellent for both genre veterans & novices. Today, we are here to bring you our picks for the 5 Best Games Like Vellum.

5. Hades

Hades - Official Animated Trailer

To kick off our list today of the best games like Vellum, here we have Hades. In terms of both stylistic approach as well as excellent gameplay, Hades is a must-play for roguelike fans. Throughout Hades, players will be able to traverse wonderfully designed levels and fight many fearsome foes. In doing so, players can look forward to engaging in combat that feels smooth, fluid, and satisfying. Each of the builds that characters can create also feels distinct from one another, adding a significant amount of variety to the overall gameplay loop.

Aiding in this feeling of variety is the game's fantastic approach to player death and the abilities they obtain afterward. Instead of punishing players for dying, players are gifted the opportunity to take new abilities with them into their next run. This makes Hades feel more approachable than many other roguelike titles, and that's fantastic. The stylish visuals of the game also give it a sort of mass appeal as well. In short, Hades is one of the best games like Vellum on the market today.

4. Roboquest

Roboquest - Release Date Trailer

We are switching gears a bit with our next entry on today's list. Here, we have Roboquest. For players looking for a roguelike experience that manages to incorporate the fast-paced nature of FPS games beautifully, this title should be right up your alley. In Roboquest, players are tasked with defeating wave after wave of robots. In doing so, players can look forward to defeating a variety of enemy types, which is one of Roboquest‘s strong suits. Being able to present the player with more varied enemies consistently is a great way this title not only switches up its gameplay but keeps it engaging as well.

For players who are somewhat new to the roguelike genre, however, this title is rather forgiving. Players are able to purchase upgrades that persist throughout their playtime. This means that players can not only take the lessons learned from past runs with them but they are actively encouraged to do so. Couple this with the game's class-based system, and you have a varied experience that wonderfully keeps the player engaged. To close, Roboquest is one of the best games like Vellum.

3. Returnal

Returnal - PC Reveal Trailer | The Game Awards 2022

For our next entry on our list of the best games like Vellum, here we have Returnal. In terms of games that manage to leave a lasting impression on the player, Returnal certainly fits the bill. Bringing the narrative and gameplay polish of the AAA gaming space, this title not only looks & feels wonderful but is stellar. Having the roguelike nature of the game baked into its lore also makes for a fantastically gripping experience. Each run is a chance to not only see something new but learn something new as well. The weapons in the game all feel incredibly responsive and fun to use, which is excellent for the moment-to-moment gameplay as well.

In addition to this, the game's Co-Op mode is excellent for players who wish to jump in with friends. The stronger enemies in the game also pose a tremendous amount of challenge, which is terrific. Additionally, for players who really wish to push the envelope, there is a Challenge mode. In this mode, players are able to flaunt their technical mastery of the game against ever-increasing challenges. All in all, if you are looking for one of the best games like Vellum, check out Returnal.

2. Remnant II

Remnant II Official Announcement Trailer | The Game Awards 2022

We are staying somewhat in the same vein for the next entry on our list. As far as stylized approaches to the roguelike genre go, there are few titles as stellar as Remnant II. Both in terms of its technical proficiency and the sheer fun factor this game presents, it is phenomenal. The game features a well-realized world with a healthy amount of lore. The depth within this world's lore will have players invested and immersed in the world around them. In addition to this, the game also poses challenges in a way that not only pushes the player to improve but also makes sure that players learn from their mistakes.

Coupling the fast-paced yet deliberate combat of a third-person shooter with the difficulty & sense of reward of a looter shooter is, in a word, magnificent. In addition to this, the game's questing system is fleshed out in such a way that there is always something new to find and somewhere new to explore. To aid in this, the game also features a stellar skill system that allows for a significant amount of build identity within the game. Simply put, Remnant II is one of the best games like Vellum.

1. Risk of Rain 2

Risk of Rain 2: Launch Trailer

We are wrapping up today's list of the best games like Vellum with Risk of Rain 2Risk of Rain 2 is a title which, in terms of sheer fun factor and replay value, is perhaps the most impressive on this list. Risk of Rain 2 distills the looter shooter experience down to near perfection. This makes it a title that is not only near-infinitely replayable. But it is also a game that is also impeccable in its moment-to-moment gameplay. In total, there are eleven survivors for players to choose from, each of which can be adapted to several different playstyles, which is wonderful.

The randomized nature of the game's stages also means that players rarely will know exactly what to expect. This makes each run of the game feel fresh, whether you are on your first couple of runs or the latest in a few hundred runs. The game can also be played cooperatively, which not only heightens the experience but enhances it in many ways. The synergies between the game's classes truly shine in this way. With over a hundred items to collect and endless hours of fun to be had, Risk of Rain 2 is one of the best games like Vellum.

So, what's your take on our picks for the 5 Best Games Like Vellum? Let us know over on our socials here or down in the comments below.

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