Xbox Settles Lawsuit With 'Gamers' Who Tried To Sue Over Activision Blizzard Deal

3 hours ago 12

It had been ongoing for nearly two years

Xbox Reaches Settlement With Group Of 'Gamers' Over Activision Blizzard Lawsuit

Right, where to begin with this one?!

If you cast your mind all the way back to December of 2022, you may remember a story here at Pure Xbox about a group of random "gamers" who were suing Microsoft over the company's attempt to acquire Activision Blizzard.

Basically, the lawsuit claimed that the acquisition would be detrimental to the gaming industry in many ways, highlighting how competition would be affected and Microsoft may have "far-outsized market power" as a result of it.

Microsoft actually ended up getting pretty irritated about this lawsuit as time went on, criticising (amongst other things) how these gamers waited 11 months after the deal's announcement to file the suit, and then "wasted several additional months filing an implausible complaint."

Well, all of that's in the past now, because we finally have a resolution 22 months later! As reported by the Associated Press, Microsoft has reached a settlement with these "gamers", but the terms have not been publicly disclosed.

"Terms of the settlement were not disclosed. The two parties agreed to the dismissal of the lawsuit and will cover their own costs and fees..."

An official statement from Microsoft this week also confirmed that “the parties have resolved the litigation".

It's a bit confusing that we've got the words "settlement" and "dismissal" in here, but we're guessing that the two parties came to some kind of out-of-court agreement. In any case, Team Xbox will surely be relieved there's finally a resolution, as this is one more Activision Blizzard roadblock that's finally been pushed out of the way. But of course, it didn't stop the acquisition from going through, as Microsoft finally acquired the company in October of last year.

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