Star Wars Outlaws' Rescue Roadmap Provides a Snapshot of Modern PS5 Gaming

2 weeks ago 51

Sit tight

Star Wars Outlaws' Rescue Roadmap Provides a Snapshot of Modern PS5 Gaming 1

In hindsight, Ubisoft should have delayed Assassin’s Creed Shadows earlier and pushed Star Wars Outlaws into the open worlder’s November release slot. That would have given both teams plenty of time to polish up their titles, and perhaps we’d be looking at a less dire situation for the French publisher.

Still, the damage has been done, and now comes the recovery mission. After a soft launch, the firm’s said it’s committed to growing Star Wars Outlaws’ sales through the holiday period, and thus it’s released a roadmap of upcoming fixes. The first update, due 3rd October, will crush a bunch of bugs – while its 24th October patch will incorporate various quality of life improvements.

Then comes the big one: 21st November will see the release’s first major expansion, Wild Card, deploy. It’ll also add free contracts and make sweeping changes to the combat and stealth. That’s just before Black Friday by the way, so expect some absolutely enormous discounts as Ubisoft seeks to boost the title’s disappointing sales.

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