Sega Delisting Multiple Xbox Games This December

2 months ago 91

Sonic, Crazy Taxi, Sega Genesis Classics and more


Sega has announced it will be delisting multiple retro titles including the SEGA Genesis / Mega Drive Classics collection from the Xbox digital store.

These titles will be removed from Xbox's storefront on 6th December 2024. Sega will also be delisting multiple games from Steam, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation platforms on the same date.

In a Q&A on its support page, Sega mentions how these games will remain "available in your library" to download and play after they've been removed from the storefront, but will no longer be available for purchase.

"Select games and bundles will be delisted from virtual stores, becoming unavailable for new purchases. Your owned games will still be available in your library."

Here are the Sega titles being delisted on Xbox next month:

Altered Beast

Crazy Taxi

SEGA® Genesis Classics™ (Mega Drive Classics)

Golden Axe

Monster World

NiGHTS into Dreams

SEGA Bass Fishing


Sonic the Fighters

Streets of Rage

SVC: ToeJam & Earl

Virtua Fighter 2

In some related news, Sega earlier this week spoke about reviving its classics - including the announcement it was working on a new Virtua Fighter game. This game will join other revival projects like Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio.

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