Rumour: Blizzard Could Be Remastering Another RTS Classic

2 months ago 73

Warcraft 2 looks to be getting a makeover...

Warcraft IIImage: Blizzard

Following the release of StarCraft and StarCraft 2 on Game Pass yesterday, there's now some news about Blizzard potentially remastering one of its older real-time strategy games.

As highlighted by Wowhead, Blizzard has "pushed an update" to its CDN and it includes a new title "Warcraft II: Remastered Internal Alpha". If that wasn't convincing enough, there are even some logos and artwork to go with it. This game was originally released on PC in 1995.

Of course, there's no evidence of an Xbox version here, but now that Blizzard is officially owned by Microsoft, it could at least lead to a PC Game Pass release. If this is the real deal (and it sure seems like it at this stage), a remaster of the second Warcraft game wouldn't be all that surprising considering Blizzard already remastered the third game in 2020.

If we hear any significant updates, we'll let you know. In some other Xbox news, there are reports Microsoft could be bringing Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition to the PlayStation 5 in the future.

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