Masayoshi Yokoyama, studio director at Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, has revealed that Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii clocks in at about 30% longer than the previous spinoff, Like A Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name.
Speaking with Automaton Media, Yokoyama-san revealed that the game’s length swelled to accommodate its storyline, not simply due to the developer wanting to make a bigger game.
It’s more like the volume ‘ended up’ increasing due to the story. The map is huge, there’s a bunch of places to visit, and there are still features we haven’t announced yet. The volume increased by itself.
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Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii sees fan-favourite Goro Majima waking up on a beach with no memory of who he is. As such, he quickly reinvents himself as a pirate and takes to the open seas, complete with his own ship and crew, setting the scene for a modern day swashbuckling adventure with a Yakuza flavour. Players will be able to take place in adrenaline-pumping real-time ship battles with enemies on the high seas, forming unlikely friendships and acquiring huge wealth in the process.
SEGA will publish Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii on February 21, 2025 for PS5, PS4, PC, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One. You can view a trailer for the game’s English cast, which includes Matthew Mercer as The Mad Dog himself, here.
[Source – Automaton]