We NEED it, Rockstar!
In typically-random Rockstar fashion, the team today announced an upgrade for GTA 5 on PC - bringing the game's recent Xbox Series X|S enhancements to that version of the game. Glossing over the fact this is free while we had to pay for such upgrades on Xbox (curse you, Rockstar), we're trying to gleam some positivity from this - maybe the team can finally get around to some Red Dead Redemption upgrades for us?
You see, as much as we love Red Dead, both the first Redemption title and its follow-up Red Dead Redemption 2 are still only 30FPS on modern Xbox consoles. While this 30FPS fate is a reality for both console versions of RDR 2, the first Redemption recently got a 60FPS version on PS5 - and potentially an even smoother port on PC, depending on your hardware. Seriously, we need this on Xbox!
Read the full article on purexbox.com