What’s Your Favorite Resident Evil Game?

1 year ago 73

Resident Evil 4 is back, and it’s something of a big deal. Everyone’s getting a chance to see a remake with its own special touches. It might even be a new favorite for someone. To honor the occasion, we figured it would be a good time to talk about which Resident Evil games we feel are the best and share our favorites.

While Resident Evil 0 is undoubtedly my favorite Resident Evil game of all time, I’m willing to set aside my personal bias and share what I really believe is the best Resident Evil game.

And, perhaps to no one’s surprise, it’s Resident Evil (2002) for the GameCube. Perhaps one of the best remakes of all time, it brought one of the most influential games of all time to then modern platforms. With gorgeous visuals, incredible audio design, and Crimson Heads, it still remains a standout entry. While Resident Evil 4 is a close runner-up for me, especially how it came to define an entire genre and generation of games, Resident Evil (2002) showed just how strong the foundations of the franchise really were. — Kazuma

It is difficult to pick a single entry as the best one, I could endlessly talk about what each game brings to the series (yes, even Code Veronica and Resident Evil 6.) However, I am going to follow my gut feeling and say it’s Resident Evil 2 (1998) for the original PlayStation.

Resident Evil 2 is the perfect sequel, both mechanically and in its story. It takes the themes, politics, and plot threads of the original to the next level, not unlike what Aliens and Terminator 2 did for their own franchises. While the shift from slow horror and suspense of the original, to a full-blown action adventure set during a catastrophic event might have been a steep change of direction for some, Resident Evil 2 proves to be an extremely good payoff to the events that the original 1996 game set in motion. It’s also an upgrade in gameplay, to the point that it manages to hold its ground against its own 2019 Remake. — Elliot

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