How to Use Chat in League of Legends

1 year ago 254

Chats in games are not only good to have fun, but in competitive games, they also help in discussing the strategy and plan for the game. You must use chat if you want to increase your chances of winning especially when League of Legends doesn’t have a voice chat.

When you have chat enabled in the settings, press the “Enter” key to open chat and start typing to your teammates.

How to Enable and Use Chat in League of Legends

Before you start using chat in League of Legends, make sure you have it visible. You technically can’t disable chat, but you can change what chats you see in the game.

To change chat visibility in League of Legends:

  1. Load into the game of League of Legends (you can’t do it in the client). Use the Practice Tool game mode if necessary
  2. Press “Esc” to open the settings
  3. Go to “Interface”
  4. Scroll down to “Chat”
  5. In the “Change Chat Visibility” drop-down, choose the chats you want to see
Chat visibility settings in League of Legends Chat visibility settings in League of Legends

You can choose from seeing only your party chat, party and ally, and party, ally, and all. You can’t enable or disable individual text chats anymore. When you sorted out your settings, press “Enter” to open the chat window.

Here are the three basic commands to chat in League of Legends:

Press “Enter” – type in the allied chat
/all (or shift +enter) – type in all chat
/whisper – type to a specific friend (who is online, but not necessarily in your match)

Chat Commands

In the chat window, you can use a set of commands. There are some commands made to talk to people and others to take advantage of some of the in-game features.

Here are all League of Legends chat commands:

/help or /? or /allcommands or /allcmds  to show all commands in the game
– mute all text from a player during this game
/muteping – mute all pings from a player during this game
/fullmute – mute all text and pings from all players during this game
/ignore – mute a player during this game and all the following games
/d or /dance – champion’s dance emote
/j or /joke – champion’s joke emote
/t or /taunt – champions taunt emote
/r or /reply – reply to a private message in-game
/w or /whisper “Summoner name” – start a conversation with a friend that is online
/ignore all – mute all players during this game
/ignore enemy – mute all enemy players during this game
/note or /n – add your notations to a text file “MyNotes.txt.”
– toggle in-game chat filter on and off
/surrender or /ff or /concede or /forfeit – start a surrender vote
– start a remake vote

How to Chat in the Client

Another way that you can chat in League of Legends is by using the chat feature in the client. You can use it both during the queue and in the match. However, you can only use it to chat with added friends.

To chat with your friends in League of Legends client:

  1. Launch League of Legends client
  2. Open your friend’s list on the right
  3. Press on your friend’s name
  4. In the opened window start the conversation with your friend
League of Legends client chat feature League of Legends client chat feature
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