Gather round and grab a bite of our fresh-from-the-grill Monster Hunter Wilds guide. Every hunter worth their salted steak knows to do a little preparation before the fight, and we've collected everything we learned in the beta to send you off buffed and geared up.
Any series that's been around 20 years is bound to get into the weeds, but Monster Hunter is no small fry of inscrutable systems—we're in full-on jungle territory here. There's a lot to know about weapons, gear, the clunky multiplayer system, and more as you pack your seikret's saddlebags for the Forbidden Lands.
We've already written a handful of tips and explainers to help you get off on the right foot based on Monster Hunter Wilds' beta, and we'll have a lot more to come when it's time for the full launch. Catch up on what you need to know now and make sure to come back on launch day to get the field notes on all the monsters you'll be fighting and breakdowns of all of Wilds' many materials and systems.
One of our MonHun sickos Wes Fenlon got to play one final Monster Hunter Wilds preview, in which you can read about his fights with nasty little guy Rompopolo and fleshy spider Nerscylla if you want to hear some final thoughts before launch day.