Feature: "Time To Laughter Is Like Zero" - Jackbox Games CEO On Quiplash, T-Shirts, And 10 Years Of Party Packs

1 month ago 87
Jackbox splitImage: Nintendo Life

Raise your hand if you haven’t played a Jackbox game… okay, trust us, if this were a real room, this would have created a pretty solid visual for how prolific the Jackbox party games have become over the years. Almost everyone has played one, and this week, believe it or not, marks the 10th anniversary of the entire Jackbox series.

Besides kicking off the franchise as we know it today, The Jackbox Party Pack console release (which would come to Switch in 2017) cemented the standard for how players connected to a home console without a controller (as well as how players could brutally lie to each other).

Jackbox Games — the company, not the games — is also the team behind the You Don’t Know Jack franchise, which became an unlikely stalwart of the video game industry, thanks to digital hits like Quiplash and Drawful, among other games that have all gone on to become family, friend, and office party staples.

So, to commemorate the last decade of one-liners, trivia crowns, and bizarre t-shirts, Nintendo Life sat down with Mike Bilder, CEO of Jackbox Games since 2008, whose job it is "to simply run the company", to talk us through how the entire series came to be.

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