Donkey Kong Country Returns HD Estimated File Size Update

1 week ago 49

Make some space for the Kongs

Donkey Kong Country Returns HD rolls onto the Switch next week and Nintendo appears to have updated the estimated file size of the eShop download.

According to the eshop, this new version (including the Wii and 3DS content) has dropped from 9.0GB to 8.3GB. As we previously mentioned, the sequel Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is just 6.6GB in comparison.

The price of the Switch eShop version is $59.99 / £49.99 or you can use a Nintendo Voucher to purchase it in select regions. Here's what else you can expect when the 'HD' version of Donkey Kong Country Returns shows up on Switch next week:

"Play the game as it was first designed for Wii, or reduce the difficulty for extra hearts and other goodies to make your journey a little easier. This barrel-blasting adventure is visually enhanced in HD for Nintendo Switch and includes the extra levels from the Nintendo 3DS version!"

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