Complete Magic Guide in Hollowed Roblox – Grand Library, Spells, Elementarist Tips

3 months ago 341

Magic is one of the trickiest mechanics to unlock since you need to complete several steps and find different NPCs. Don’t worry as I will show you the full process of unlocking magic, learning your first spells, and becoming the base Mage class called Elementarist. Here’s my complete magic guide in Hollowed Roblox.

How to Unlock Spells in Hollowed Roblox

the grand library location in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite
the grand library location in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite
the grand library location in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite

Let’s run down all three steps to unlocking magic spells and becoming the Magic base class called Elementarist. Afterward, we’ll go in-depth on how to finish each step. To unlock your first spell and the Elementarist class do the following:

  • Step 1: I’ll show you how to find the Grand Library hidden behind a secret door where you’ll buy your first spell book.
  • Step 2: I’ll show you where to find Dani the Elementarist trainer who will help us read that spell book and unlock our first spell.
  • Step 3: We’ll unlock the Elementarist class, buy our first stuff, and talk about how to cast spells in Hollowed.

Finally, we’ll talk about advanced spell-casting mechanics and non-elemental spells like Rift, Integrare, Gehenna, and Knuse.

How to Find the Grand Library in Hollowed Roblox

mana flower in hollowed robloxMana Flower: Screenshot by Twinfinite

To unlock spells and magic in general we’ll need to find the hidden Grand Library. For this, we need a few things:

  • A Teleportation Crystal to go to Newcastle which is the closest location to the Grand Library.
  • A Mana Flower for the Grand Library quest which you can find in the Dry River region to the south-east near Linkway Town or Treeway Village.
  • (Optional) A Lantern or a Torch to light the way and make platforming easier.
new castle teleport spawn in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite

Once you have both use the Teleportation Crystal and go to New Castle. Take the zipline down to the town area. Continue until you reach the crossroads.

new castle in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite

Go left from here down the street where the Shop NPC is. Then, take a left and a right to leave the town and enter the Forest area.

grand library location in hollowed roblox 7Screenshot by Twinfinite

Follow the right path through the forest from the city gates. Watch out for wolves. Cross the stone bridge and you’ll soon see a giant entrance to the Greencave Mines.

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Continue up the stairs into the Mine. Go forward until you reach the hall with the massive chasm. Here you need to go right.

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Continue down this path where you’ll have to jump over the chasm using a platform. The safest way is with two jumps during a Mana Run. Alternatively, you can Mana Climb over it to the platform across.

grand library location in hollowed roblox 2Screenshot by Twinfinite

Once you’re over head forward. Then, when you see the altar-like pedestal go left until you see a chasm with a wooden platform bridge over it.

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grand library location in hollowed roblox 4Screenshot by Twinfinite
grand library location in hollowed roblox 4Screenshot by Twinfinite

I recommend not rushing here and just jumping over each wooden platform one by one slowly from the edge of each one. I fell a few times but you can go backward and up, return to the wooden bridge, and start over until you cross it.

grand library location in hollowed roblox 3Screenshot by Twinfinite

How to Enter the Grand Library in Hollowed

grand library location in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite

Once you cross the wooden bridge go forward a bit and then go to the right. You’ll see some stone platforms that you can climb and once you’re at the top you’ll see a stone wall that looks oddly like a door. Simply approach it and interact with it which will open the stone door and viola, you’re in the Grand Library.

grand library secret door in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite
grand library secret door in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite
grand library secret door in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite

Inside you’ll see a few NPCs but to be able to buy magic from them you first need to finish a small quest. Talk to the green hair NPC at the entrance called Fooreye. He’ll ask for a Mana Flower throughout his dialogue. This is where we came prepared since you just need to equip it but not use it.

learning spells in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite

With the Mana Flower in hand, talk to Fooreye again and turn it in to be able to buy spell books and learn about magic. Now you can buy spells from the red-haired NPC Mirari and choose your element:

  • Fire: DPS burn spells that are all-around useful.
  • Wind: Utility and Push spells where you can even levitate.
  • Ice: Crowd-control and stun spells where one cool use is being able to lessen the effects of heat biomes.
  • Thunder: Damage and shock spells.
buying spells in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite
buying spells in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite
buying spells in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite

Each element is useful so pick your favorites. You can buy one spell book each day for 50 Runic. That said, you won’t be able to read them yourself and must visit Dani the Elementarist trainer to be able to read and use them. This will also unlock the Elementarist class.

How to Learn and Cast Spells in Hollowed

dani elementarist trainer location guide in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite
dani elementarist trainer location guide in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite
dani elementarist trainer location guide in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite

Now that you have your first spell book we need to visit Dani to actually use it and become an Elementarist. The easiest way is to get a Teleportation Crystal and go to Whispering Dust. From the spawn location, go to the wall to the left of you with stone platforms protruding out. You can Mana Climb the wall if you hug the left side.

dani elementarist house in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite
dani elementarist house in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite
dani elementarist house in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite

Once you’re at the top go forward a bit until you reach a door in a wall on the left side. Enter here and you’ll find Dani the Elementarist Trainer. To learn your first spell:

  • Talk to him once and finish the conversation, then talk to him again with a spell book equipped.
  • He’ll give you the ability to read spell books.
  • Use the book which will open it with an array of different words.
  • Click on the ones that are associated with your chosen element and repeat until you unlock the spell (For example “Shocking” for Thunder or “Burning” for Fire).
spell book in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite
spell book in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite
spell book in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite

Now you can use that spell and this will usually be the first basic one for your chosen element. To cast a spell you need to equip it, select it, and charge up your mana with G. Then you need to fill up your mana bar to a certain point which differs for each spell and click to cast. It’s usually straight to the top for beginner spells. You’ll know when you miscast a spell because a red line will appear pointing out the amount of Mana you need.

casting a spell in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite

How to Become Elementarist in Hollowed

miss cast a spell in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite
miss cast a spell in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite
miss cast a spell in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite

Learning your first spell already makes you an Elementarist but there are a couple more steps to it:

  • Staff: The first thing you’ll need to be a proper Elementarist is to buy a Staff next to Dani for 200 Runic. A Staff can only be bought if you have the first level in Elementarist. Staves increase spell-casting speed and provide you with a melee option in combat.
  • Staff EXP: Going out into the world and defeating enemies with the Staff and your spells will also provide you with Elementarist EXP.
  • Learning New Spells: You can go back to the Grand Library each day and buy a new spell book for your chosen element to learn new spells.
  • Leveling Up Elementarist: Once you read 4 books and then 7 books respectively along with earning Staff EXP, you can go back to Dani to level up the Elementarist class and learn new skills.

Note that you can go back to Dani if you ever get a different elemental spell book to switch your elemental spell type. You can only have one elemental spell type at the moment and note that if you switch, all your previous spells will be gone.

How to Learn Advanced Spells in Hollowed

spell book in hollowed robloxScreenshot by Twinfinite

Besides elemental spells, there are also special non-elemental spells that you can learn in the Grand Library. These are powerful spells that you can only learn by buying them from Jacob at the end of the Grand Library for 300 Runic. Essentially, it’s a gamble each time you buy them once per day to get advanced spells which are:

  • Rift: A teleportation spell.
  • Integrare: A spell that auto-tracks your opponent for high damage that is clast with a click of your mouse.
  • Gehenna: A powerful AOE blast spell that’s also useful for mobility since it blasts you back.
  • Knuse: An unknown special spell that has certain prerequisites yet to be discovered by the community.

In addition to these non-elemental spells, players can also find elemental artifacts that can be brought to Dani. Once you do so, you’ll learn all the spells from that elemental type depending on the artifact in addition to getting EXP. That’s it for my complete magic guide in Hollowed Roblox. For more Hollowed guides on the game check out what happens after you lose all three lives.

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