Brighter Shores Carpenter Leveling guide: How to level up fast

2 months ago 184

The Carpenter profession is one of the most useful in Brighter Shores, and it will have plenty of applications as you explore the Hopeforest region.

The Hopeforest region is distinctly different from Hopeport, and as the name suggests, there are plenty of trees. Naturally, you’ll be using the Woodcutter and Carpenter professions quite a lot. Doing so will level up both professions, but you’ll want to gain as much XP as possible to unlock new possibilities in terms of items you can create.

Brighter Shores Carpenter profession explained

The Carpenter profession, linked closely with the Woodcutter profession, allows you to process the raw wood. This will help you create valuable items that can have different uses in quests, and you can always sell them for money. Most of the wooden recipes will always result in double carpentry products.

Leveling up the Carpenter profession is really important, as it will unlock more recipes. Once you’ve leveled up to a certain degree, some of the items you create using wood can be processed a second time as well. Such items, like poles, can fetch high value once you sell them at the Carpenter’s Workshop.

An image of woodcutting in Brighter ShoresImage via Fen Research

How to level up the Carpenter profession in Brighter Shores

To level up, you’ll want to engage in activities that directly result in you gaining experience points. For Carpenter, you’ll have to process as much wood as possible at the Carpenter’s Workshop. This workshop is located at Timberwell Green, and the job can get a bit tedious.

Thankfully, the process will benefit you in several ways. For starters, your woodcutter profession will also be boosted (although you can buy the wood if you want to reduce the grind, and I won’t recommend this method). You’ll also get some useful items by processing the wood. Even if you might not have direct use for those items immediately, you can always sell them to gain money in Brighter Shores.

Performing the activities with the XP potion active will also help you gain 5% extra experience points (anything extra helps).

As I mentioned, you can get wood from Gwen’s Lumber, but this will cost a lot of extra money, and the process isn’t sustainable at all. It’s better to grind the hard way and get all the wood by yourself. You can also unlock the branches for the Carpenter Passive Activities, but I am not a fan of that method either. To make it effective, you’ll have to depend on the Woodcutter’s Passive Activities.

While it might sound boring, the best way to improve your carpentry skills in Brighter Shores is to consistently obtain wood and then process it in the workshop.

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