A mysterious force known as Nyx has plunged the world of Tiran Sol into darkness, leaving it a shattered wasteland devoid of its once-powerful gods. Humanity, caught in this web of despair, has been cast into a deep slumber, with little hope of awakening. Yet, there is one who rises—Juno, the Outcast Chosen. Tasked with the monumental burden of breaking Nyx’s curse and restoring life to a dying world, Juno’s journey is one that promises peril, discovery, and the possibility of salvation. But who is Juno, really? What secrets does Tiran Sol hold, and what will it take to revive a world that seems all but lost?
As anticipation builds around Alabaster Dawn, fans are left to piece together the fragments of information that have been released so far. So, what can we expect from this new title by the creators of CrossCode? Here's everything we know so far about Alabaster Dawn.
What is Alabaster Dawn?
Alabaster Dawn is an upcoming action RPG that draws players into a world filled with mystery and danger. It takes inspiration from the fast-paced combat seen in games like Devil May Cry and Kingdom Hearts. The game combines intense battles with the puzzle-solving elements that made CrossCode well-known. Featuring a top-down 2.5D perspective, it offers an immersive experience. Players will engage in combat using a variety of divine weapons and explore a world that reacts and evolves with their actions.
At the heart of the game is a quest to break a curse that has transformed the world into a barren wasteland. This journey takes players through fierce battles, complex puzzles, and deep exploration. The combat system allows players to harness the power of four elements and a diverse selection of weapons. These weapons can be swapped strategically to tackle different enemies.
Here, players will uncover the secrets scattered throughout the world of Tiran Sol. The environment itself is key, featuring ancient ruins and hidden pathways that must be discovered to move forward. Additionally, puzzles are integrated into the world, presenting challenges that often require creative solutions using the player’s weapons. Overall, Alabaster Dawn seeks to provide a complete RPG experience, blending action, strategy, and exploration into one captivating adventure.
In Alabaster Dawn, players can look forward to a gameplay experience that blends fast-paced action with strategic depth. The combat system allows players to wield up to eight different weapons, each paired with one of four elemental powers. This setup offers a lot of customization, letting players switch their combat style to suit different challenges. Plus, the ability to change weapon setups during battle means you'll need to think quickly and adapt to survive in the dangerous world of Tiran Sol.
The combat system also features progression through skill trees for each weapon. As players advance, they can unlock Combat Arts—special moves that can give them an edge in battle. These abilities let players create powerful combos, dodge attacks, and exploit enemy weaknesses. On top of that, Divine Arts—spells linked to the game’s elemental system—add another layer to the combat. These spells allow players to unleash powerful attacks that can take down even the toughest foes.
Moreover, the game will feature seven unique areas, each filled with secrets and puzzles. Here, they’ll encounter puzzles that require them to use their weapons and abilities creatively. Also, the world will change—settlements will be rebuilt, and new paths and opportunities will open up. The RPG elements in Alabaster Dawn offer even more depth. Players can equip gems into their weapons and core, which grant powerful bonuses and change how they approach combat. Additionally, it will feature a cooking system where players can prepare meals at resting spots. These meals restore health and offer temporary boosts.
Alabaster Dawn is being developed by Radical Fish Games, the indie studio known for the highly praised CrossCode. The studio is recognized for its detailed and immersive gameplay, and they've been working on Alabaster Dawn—originally called “Project Terra”—for several years. The project was kept secret for a long time, as the developers wanted to make sure the game would meet the high standards set by their previous work.
The development has been thorough, with the team focusing on a key part of the game, known as a vertical slice, throughout 2024. This process included setting up the main systems, creating and refining maps, writing cutscenes, and designing boss fights. Also, according to the latest updates, the first one to two hours of the game are completely finished!
Alabaster Dawn Reveal Trailer
The reveal trailer for Alabaster Dawn gives us a look at the game's world, showing off its top-down view and fast-paced combat. It offers a glimpse of the gameplay and exploration ahead, so if you haven't seen it yet, be sure to watch the video above!
Release Date, Platforms, and Editions
Alabaster Dawn doesn’t have a set release date yet. However, a public demo is expected to drop in early 2025, with an Early Access launch anticipated later that year. Initially, the game will be available on PC through Steam, with more platforms likely to be announced as development continues. Also, to stay informed on the latest updates, it's a good idea to follow the developer's official social media channels here.
So, are you ready to dive into the mysterious world of Alabaster Dawn? What excites you most about this upcoming RPG adventure? Let us know on our socials here!